Lebanon Pro Fertilizer with Prodiamine 0.38 Preemergence Weed Control 18-0-4 is a pre-emergent combination fertilizer designed specifically for professional landscapers and turf managers. It provides lawns with a strong first line of defense in the prevention and control of crabgrass and numerous other grassy weeds. While preventing pesky weeds, controlled release nitrogen also provides turf with consistent, long-term feeding along with quick green up to boost lawn health and vitality. Lawns fertilized with Lebanon Pro Fertilizer with Prodiamine 0.38 Preemergence Weed Control 18-0-4 are also better able to withstand stress from heat and disease thanks to potassium sourced from muriate of potash.
Economical combination fertilizer and weed control product with NPK of 18-0-4 and 0.38 Prodiamine pre-emergent for control of crabgrass and other weeds
25% PCU (polymer coated urea) for controlled release of nitrogen
Muriate of potash stimulates the growth of strong cells and provides disease resistance by promoting thickness of the outer cell walls
Residential, commercial and general turf use
Pallet of 20 bags covers 256,000 sq. ft., each 50 lbs. bag covers 12,800 sq. ft.
Not available for sale or use in: AK, AR, AZ, CA, DC, FL, HI, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MT, ND, NH, NV, OH, OK, OR, TX, VT, WA, WI, WV