The Tahoe Gear Cruzbay Beach Shade is a tent canopy that you can use at outside for protection from the Sun, even at low angles. For those days when you're at the beach, the park or even game day, set up the Beach Shade and get some shelter from the sun or hide from the wind. This sun shelter is a cinch to assemble and only weighs 3.8 lbs., so it's light enough to tote around in its carry bag. The coral red and shale gray colors brighten up any shore or park and makes the shelter easy to spot. There are 2 storage pockets on the inside to store things like your spray and sunscreen or even your cell phone and watch. The shelter is made of 70D and 190T polyester fabric, which proves the perfect combination of weight, carry size and protection. It can handle light rain and wind gusts of up to 25 mph. Tahoe Gear's goal is to create quality outdoor goods that exceed your expectations at an unrivaled value. When the time comes for your next adventure, Tahoe Gear is there to help you make the most of it and escape the indoors. Take the Tahoe Gear Cruzbay Beach Shade with you on your next adventure.
Canopy shelters you against the sun, rain, wind
Perfect for hitting the beach, eating a picnic or watching a sporting event
Includes: Sun shelter, carry bag and sheet floor
Materials: 70D and 190T polyester fabric
Provides the perfect combination of weight, carry size and protection from the elements
Easy to assemble
Provides UV 50 plus protection